Monday, December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012

The first meeting of the knitting group I started in our RV retirement community saw me and one new lady. I met Wendy who is a snowbird with her husband, traveling from Sasketchawan, Canada each winter to the warmer climate of Arizona. This is her first year staying in our park. Wendy, like me, loves working with her hands in various different crafts. She joined me on Friday also with the quilting group.

I finished ALL my gift giving projects and have them all ready for mailing to all the different points of the USA where my family and friends live. Now I can actually shift mental gears and begin my Christmas baking. But, never fear, I already have my mind full of all the new projects I want to begin starting in the new year in just a few weeks. But until then, I will just knit on current projects, furthering their progress toward completion. Steve and I discussed the new year projects together. We decided that I should concentrate on projects that are for me, our new home, and small gifts that will be quick to make.  Of course, I want to continue designing. I'm really looking forward to the challenges already. <grin>

Well, that's it for now. Just wanted to capture a few thoughts. Merry Christmas to each of you sharing this blog with me. I love you. Happy Birthday Lord Jesus. So glad I have the privilege to celebrate Your birth.

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