Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 26, 2013

I am not expecting anyone to actually read my postings. I usually just use these to capture my thoughts about the stuff happening in my life, especially as it relates to knitting and now quilting.

Steve is gone for 8 days and so I have lots of time to use for my projects. I am also walking three times a week with my father-in-law. This is good for both of us. It helps me get outside the house and makes it easier to take Christy, my dog, for a walk, too. Otherwise, I might never leave the inside.

Yesterday, I baked lots of fruit nut bread. It was an orange and pecan mixture. Very yummy. I also keep a sourdough starter in the fridge and yesterday I set it out to be fed and to ferment. Last night I mixed up the dough and left it to rise overnight. Now I have two loaves rising and will bake them later this afternoon. Steve loves sourdough bread. I have now acquired a taste for the chewy texture, too. It makes great toast.

I have finished the top of Bruce's quilt. I am now ready to pin the backing, the batting and the top together. But when I was measuring the backing material, I discovered that I am 3/4-yard short. So I must wait until Steve arrives home with the car so I can go to JoAnn's and purchase what I need. So that is on hold for right now.


I added a dark border around the entire pieced portion. Then I added the border displaying the logo. I finished the top with a white border to showcase the entire top. The binding will be from the logo fabric after the quilt is quilted on a long-arm quilting machine by a professional quilter.


I need to leave in about 10-minutes to go knit with The Needlers, my group I started here in the community. So far, only Wendy and I attend, but that is a good start. Wendy crochets and I knit the Sasha skirt. Many of the other residents and some visitors poke their heads through the door to see what we are doing. Some actually come inside and ask questions and visit for a while. As interest increases, I am sure the number of participants will too.

I have enjoyed knitting the Sasha skirt. This third ruffle layer has caused me more re-doing (tinking) than usual. The pattern is simple enough but I keep adding parts of the pattern in places where it is not supposed to be knit. Then I don't discover the mistake until two rows later. Sigh! But at least I am still knitting. Smile.

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