Sunday, April 22, 2012

April 22, 2012

Just wanted to capture an observation. While knitting the skirt, I kept loosing track of my place. I have spent too much time tinking and decided to use the moveable markers (used in crocheting) to mark each of the three cables needing to be knit each time. Well, that worked for a while but then I still kept forgetting if I had completed three cables or not. So I colored coded the markers to help me know exactly where I was at any given time. The blue marker represented the first cable of the pattern because my firstborn is a son. The second marker is white because it is not pink, which is the last marker representing the last cable of the three because my third and last child was a daughter. Seems silly but finally it works. No matter where I stop when I put my work down, I can now easily discern right where to begin knitting again. Whew!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Change Again

I have stopped working for the Cafe. It became necessary due to Steve's schedule and the desire to work what is best for my marriage. End of story.

I just finished the linen sweater knitted from the top-down - Cria - Ysolda Teague's design. It finished just fine. I did fine through all the new techniques. I did not especially like the way the inset pockets were seam finished. I couldn't quite see a better way to finish the part where the two edges were sewn and the join at the corners to prevent holes. But I did what was explained and it does seem to look okay. Will see how it wears.

I also finished the scarf - The Sling - that my knitting group decided to do as a group project.

Now I am starting to knit on my design projects again. I want to continue the skirt as planned. I knit four rows of the pattern when I discovered that my stitch count seemed to be off. So I un-knit the four rows and began again after re-configuring the pattern stitches. But then I discovered that my calculations were correct and so I un-knit the same four rows again. This time I paid special attention to the beginning of the first and third rows, which got the pattern stitch started. Voila! The pattern was correct and progress is now being made. Hooray!

 I am already planning the next project but it won't be one that I am designing. I have a shawl that I want to make with yarn already purchased. And I am still completing the poncho drape that will be knitted while I sit with my knitting group on Thursday. I will work on the new shawl while knitting with my group on Tuesday. The design projects (the top and the skirt) will be knitted the rest of the time. :-)