Saturday, May 25, 2013

Two Quilt Beginnings

May 20, 2013

Hopefully Steve will be home for a visit this weekend. I will be busy all week, which will help the days pass quickly. I really miss having him around all the time. After all, we are retired but with him driving the tour bus during the tour season it doesn't seem like it at all.

It is my goal to knit one block each day for the Learn-To-Knit Afghan. Today I will do my best to complete Square 29.

I got quite a few rows completed on Square 29 when my mother-in-law asked me to join her at Bunco in the Club House. I decided to stop and join her taking a break from the frenzy. It was good for me. I enjoyed the company of the other ladies playing the game and I actually won the most Buncos while losing the most games. I won $8.50 - only $6.50 if I subtract the playing fee of $2.

I checked my mail while I was across the street and found a package containing my gifts for Mother's Dad from Vickie. I loved everything she sent to me - a box of chocolates, a devotional with recipes, a fictional book, an extraordinary report that James wrote for class about his Grampa, and the most wonderful little book recorded by Vickie answering questions about her and me. I loved everything. My daughter is so thoughtful and I adore her. She also sent me a package of quilt pieces. I think they might be the pieces to a quilt I started for her back in 2008. Not sure, so I sent her an email asking about it. If so, then I will be completing that quilt for her. It has been a while since I saw the pattern and the colors of the fabric are gorgeous batiks. I will share a photo of that later.

Well, I only completed half of the Square. My daughter, my son, and my husband called and I spent lots of wonderful time talking to all three of them. But now I am tired and decided to put the Square down until tomorrow. Good night, all.

May 21, 2013

Today was VERY busy. I spent most of it cutting all the pieces needed for the summer quilt "Stacks" that the guild is doing for three of the summer workshops. I also attended The Needlers and helped Karen re-learn how to crochet by starting a crocheted dishcloth pattern with her. Sherry was there and she worked on a very detailed cross-stitch pattern she is making for her daughter.

20 various prints to each be cut into 5 different sizes.

The pieces all cut and ready to be pieced.

The quilt pieces that Vickie mailed to me were from the quilt I started making for her in 2008. I sorted through all the pieces and reacquainted myself with the pattern. There are three borders around the center piecework. The first border is already sewn in place. The second border is formed by lots of little triangles sewn together. About one-half of them are cut and ready to go but I will need to put the other half together from scratch. Then the last border will still need to be added afterward. I may wait until the other ladies who are more experienced quilters return this winter to get their help since I'm not really sure if I can do it by myself. Anyway, I have the summer projects to do first. Here is a photo of Vickie's quilt so far.

Vickie's Quilt
The outer purple border is the edge of the quilt. There is still two more borders plus the binding to be added. More pictures of this quilt to be added later once I start on it in earnest.

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