Friday, March 16, 2012

Another Life Change

Well, things changed rather quickly for me during this past week.

1.  Steve decided that he (which means me, too) will not be going to Alaska.
2.  I started working full time with Gluten Free Creations Bakery & Cafette.
3.  Both my entries were not selected for the final four winners in the Juniper Moon Farms Contest.

That's okay with me in all categories. Since I am working full time now outside the home, my knitting will be taking a major backseat in my life. I still find it relaxing to knit especially after I have stood on my feet all day. I will still be designing but not quite as "full-steam" as I was previously. I am finishing The Slink (a scarf), probably tonight. I will be teaching/coaching a friend who is knitting the same project this Sunday. I will then finish the Cardigan - Cria after that. That will then leave me only my current gift project and the two design projects to continue. All in good time!!!

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