Thursday, July 18, 2013

Almost there...

July 16, 2013

In this last section there are a few "different" pattern operations, and some knitting skills needed to know when making garments and other articles - such as picking up stitches, working short rows and shaping pieces in seamless circular knitting.

Square 57
Star Stitch
This interesting pattern has several unusual characteristics. For omen thing, it changes colors at the left-hand instead of the right-hand edge; for another, it passes a knit stitch over 2 other stitches instead of a slip-stitch, as is more usual. The use of different colors in the pattern is optional. Colors may be changed every other row throughout (Rows 1 and 2 with B, Rows 3 and 4 with C), which gives a very different effect. Or, the pattern may be worked in many colors, one or two stripes of each at a time; or it may be worked in one single color. It makes a delicate lacy fabric that stretches readily.

July 17, 2013

Today I spent all day at The Spinster knitting and chatting. I am beginning to learn a few things about the different new friends that also attend. I haven't yet put names to faces, but I will ask permission to take their pictures and attach to their name and info in my phone. That should help me learn by association better.

I started and completed the Mystery Project, which was a crocheted kerchief.  I used a beautiful red-purple wool-alpaca blend yarn. The pattern is called Lacy Crochet Kerchief. The pattern was very simple and quick. I still need to attach a button to it. This fastens under the chin,

Lacy Crochet Kerchief

Friday there will be a potluck at Noon to celebrate Robin's 60th birthday. She is the owner of The Spinster. Everyone will bring a dish and a project that is causing problems, or just one that isn't completed yet. Should be lots of fun. I am thinking about making chicken pot pie turnovers as my dish. Right now I haven't decided which project to take - maybe the knitted scarf for this week's Mystery Project. Robin always has two patterns, one for knitting, one for crocheting for the Mystery Projects. Sometimes I only do one, but I like both of the choices for this Mystery Project.

I also bought another book. This week Robin marked all inventory of books to 20% off. So I chose one that will help me continue with designing patterns - Design it, Knit it by Debbie Bliss. I was looking at another book but choose this one because I liked the format, design, and patterns better. There are also templates to copy, which will be rather helpful.

I still need to start the next square and see how much progress I can make. After dinner and before bed.

July 18, 2013

Last evening while watching The Food Network, I started another square. I completed half of it before going to bed, but as I was knitting it I wanted to capture the beauty of the pattern as I envisioned it bordering a sleeve or hem. So I took a photo of it to help me remember this.

I'll share more about the actual pattern later when the square is completed. But I can see two - three rows of the puffs bordering a garment and then several rows above that two knitted rows of the contrasting color to capture the design. Hmmmm!

Really busy today. I decided to block Vickie's vest before mailing it to her, so it is laid out on my bed drying.

I aso finished seaming the Kerchief and decided it didn't need a button under the chin.

Lacy Crocheted Kerchief
I went to the grocery and purchased the needed supplies for the Chicken Pot Pie Turnovers. I put the chicken in the oven to bake, prepared the puff pastry, and measured all the ingredients. While the chicken is cooking I prepared my knitting project for tomorrow to take with me to the potluck. I found two fingering yarns in my stash that will make two scarves. One is a sock yarn from Katia Mississippi 3 Print and the other is a sock yarn from Mountain Colors Crazyfoot. The Mountain Colors were still in two hanks, so I spent some time winding the two hanks into two balls easier to unwind. I am knitting two scarves because the photo demonstrating how to wear the scarf shows two tied together and fashioned very stylishly. I like it and even if I don't keep them for myself, I have two gifts to give.

Finished with the Turnovers and Square 58. Woohoo, I'm almost finished with the afghan.

Square 58
Blister Stitch
This pattern teaches not to be afraid of dropping stitches off the needle. I don't know why that is such a fearful thing, but every knitter, especially beginners, dreads this. Dropped stitches don't really unravel very well by themselves. They have to be helped. In this square I helped them, not by pulling the knitting apart, but by gently plucking the Color A strands out of the dropped stitch one-by-one with the right-hand needle point. When picking up the Color C stitch below it is important to be sure to insert the needle under all 4 A strands and catch them securely in the stitch as it is knit. I will show you what I mean.

The stitch allowed to drop off the left needle.

Unraveling all the white stitches down to the green stitch.

All white stitches unraveled leaving the green stitch exposed.

Capture the green stitch from the front with the right-hand needle.

Insert needle under and behind the unraveled white stitches without loosing the green stitch.

Yarn over to knit.

Knit the green stitch capturing the unraveled white stitches from behind.

The completed stitch. See the captured unraveled white stitches behind the knitted green stitch?

Only five more squares to go.

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