Monday, June 3, 2013

May ends and Projects completed...busy, busy, busy

May 28, 2013

Steve's visit home was wonderful. We spent quality time together celebrating being together by visiting his parents, watching a movie, and shopping and dining. We also got all his laundry finished in the short time we had together, too. But most important to me was how he helped me to design my "Stacks" quilt pieces into a pattern where the darker colors flowed nicely into the lighter colors. I was struggling with making the pieces fit into a "planned" design rather than random pieces scattered throughout the top. I finally decided to "stack" the colors on top of each other and let the white separate the "stacks". See what you think...

Colors arranged in color as originally purchased.

Quilt pieces arranged in color sequence
I am attempting to take the colors and STACK them. I am using the white to highlight that design by making the colors "pop" visually. Steve and I arranged and rearranged the pieces again and again trying to find the best design. I think I like this one the best. But I am considering another design, which I haven't photographed yet. I need to decide soon because the pieces need to be sewn together shortly in order to finish the top within the time schedule. 

I went to The Needlers meeting and found myself alone, so I worked on the optional design. I graphed it and will layout the pieces on Friday to determine if I like this design better.

Graphed design of Stacks
I returned home and finished pitting the rest of the cherries left to prepare for freezing. While I was busy with that task, Karen came by the house to see if I would help her learn to knit. She has completed her crocheted dishcloth and made three more. I found a pattern that would give her some good experience and we began. She was "all thumbs" with using two needles after working with only one crochet hook, but she gave it her best and before she left had mastered casting on and knitting one row. I'm very proud of her efforts. She is doing a swell job. I started knitting the same dishcloth pattern with her to complete a sample for future use and to help her see how the techniques are done. I am half finished with mine as of now. I will probably finish it tomorrow. But I need to get back to my squares for the afghan, too. I can't fall behind on those or I won't be ready for teaching in the Fall.

May 29, 2013

I finished knitting the dishcloth this morning before driving to Kingman to meet with The Needlers.

I drove to Kingman today to join the group in starting the "mystery project". It is a Moebius Cowl. I have chosen two pretty colors and will knit it for my Mother for her 80th birthday, which is only a few days away. It seems simple enough and I think I can finish it in time to send to her by that day. If not, then she will get it later. But here goes with the hopes of finishing it by then...

Pattern Photo of Moebius Cowl
I completed the casting on and four pattern rows before leaving The Spinster. When I arrived home, I tinked all my stitches and started over again. I decided that I would like to use a cobalt blue yarn for the knit rows and a pretty lacy white yarn for the lace pattern rows. So I completed the casting on, the original knit row and the first lace row before going to bed. I like the two color combinations, but not sure I like them together in this pattern. I will complete a few more rows tomorrow before deciding if I will keep this design.

May 30, 2013

I have been knitting ALL day and finished the Moebius Shawl/Cowl. I did decide to keep the lacy white yarn for the inside pattern but chose to use only the blue for the lacy trim. I have a photo to share now but will take it with me to the quilter's meeting tomorrow and see if a volunteer will allow me to photograph it being worn.

I will not be able to mail the shawl until tomorrow because I finished too late today. This will require overnight delivery to guarantee the gift arrives in time for the party on Sunday. Not sure I will do this, but will decide tomorrow.

I'm tired. Calling it a night.

May 30, 2013

Today I joined Sherry to quilt. I asked her to model the Moebius so I could send photos to my mom so she would know how to wear the Shawl/Cowl. I think Sherry makes a beautiful model. Don't you?

I mailed the gifts (yes there was something else in the box) today. Mom should get the package on Monday, the day after her birthday. I wrote her a special letter explaining why I was late and the meaning of the gift. The Moebius has no beginning or end thus representing eternity. The pattern shows ups and downs but always coming back to center. The white represents her white hairs due to her 80 years. So I hope she likes it

Before Sherry arrived to quilt, I arranged all my Stack quilt pieces in my graph paper design and took a picture of it. Now I need to choose which I like best before I can stitch the white sections to the colored ones. Which one do I like BEST?

This is the first design. The pieces are arranged so that the top and bottom have a solid border. In order to make this pattern, some of the blocks in the center are arranged differently.

This is the second design Each block is the same but the rows are different. Notice how the pattern runs from top to bottom and the back to the top, etc.
I have asked Steve for his opinion and Sherry already told me that she liked version 2 the best. I am leaning that way, too.

I put that quilt away and began stitching the borders on Vickie's quilt. I added the block-border first and then the final purple border. See what I did?

Isn't that just gorgeous? And there is still another border to add.

The original quilt that was completed in 2008 included everything with the first purple border. Then I received the pieces and scraps last week. I then spent one day cutting and sewing the red/purple squares stitching them into a long border. Today I stitched that border to the rest of the quilt top. I think it really looks striking - very eye catching.

Then I took the remainder of the purple fabric and cut eight 5"x44" strips. I used every last bit of the remnant. I had just enough, but that works for me. I then stitched the 8 strips end-to-end and had one long strip. I began stitching it as the last border to the quilt. I sewed the two long sides first, then the top and bottom. When I was stitching the top border, I was almost half finished when I discovered I had the purple strip facing wrong side to right side. I removed all the stitching and started over making sure the fabric was facing right sides together this time. Finally the task was completed and the quilt top was done.

The extra purple gives this quilt finesse. The colors are so deep and royal. See how pretty the patterns in the middle swirl?

I love the colors and how the pattern "pops". I know Vickie will be thrilled to FINALLY receive her quilt that was started so long ago. I can hardly wait to see her receive it.

I bought a red king-size flat sheet to be used as the backing for this quilt. I will let the quilter use the cotton batting they order wholesale to be applied to the quilt when the machine does the quilting. All I have left to do now is to cut and sew the 2.5" fabric strips for the binding. And the quilter will sew that in place, too. That will leave me with the task of hand-sewing the final hem in place. I bought Vickie a set of sheets/pillow cases to match. This is going to make a very lovely bedroom.

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