Thursday, June 6, 2013

Projects, projects, projects. Where do they come from?

June 4, 2013

I finished another square. This is square 30 of the required 63.  Seems I have been knitting squares forever and I'm still not half-way yet. But if I just keep knitting one more square, I will reach the end. I will then be ready for teaching the Learn-to-Knit Afghan pattern this winter. Several ladies have already expressed an interest in learning to knit, so I am encouraged. I still have all the blocks for the crocheted afghan yet pending, too. But not to think about that yet, just keep on knitting.

Square 30
Twisted Lattice
This is the classic Lattice, with simple, clear diagonal lines that add interest to any knitted garment. Variations in the multiple will make the diamond shapes larger or smaller, the twisted ribs closer or farther apart. The background may be purl, garter, or seed stitches as well as knit stitches, which I have used here.

Two more squares and Section IV - Twist-Stitch patterns will be completed. Well I should go ahead and get started. So on to Square 31 "Twisted Panels".

Well, I changed my mind. I decided to use the rest of the blue and white yarns that I used to knit my mother's birthday gift and to knit another Moebius Cowl. I will change the design a little so the two projects aren't exactly the same. I will use all the blue first and then add the white to the edges. I didn't want to keep small amounts of yarn in my stash, so now I am knitting a different project. I don't expect it to take too long. I only needed one day to compete Mother's.

Digit has a mate. He is not as trusting as she is, so I have named him Skit - because he is skittish. He comes to the feeder, too, but will not perch. I saw him several times this morning while sitting on the deck knitting. I thought it was Digit because Skit, too, is so small; but I was wrong. I discovered the mistake when Digit came to the feeder, perched and then began chattering until I looked up and paid attention to her. She sat quietly while I recognized her and chatted with her. Then Skit arrived and I knew that I had mistaken him for her. When he left after feeding, she joined him. She returns alone and chats but he only feeds. It will be fun and entertaining this summer to watch the two interact. I am really enjoying this.

I finished the second Moebius just before going to bed. Now I have one to display with the pattern and to take to The Spinster for demonstration of the Mystery Project. I don't like this one as much as the one I did for Mom. It is also smaller. I cast-on 24 additional stitches for Mom's gift and only 80 (the required amount the pattern called for) on the second one. I also used a third yarn for the trim.

Some projects I really like when completed and others I don't. I enjoyed knitting this and really expected it to be more stunning than it actually is. I'm disappointed. Oh well.

June 5, 2013
Today I allowed Horizon Air to fix my air conditioner. The temps are over 100 degrees each day and the air conditioner stopped working about three days ago. Steve installed a swamp cooler previously and it has been keeping the temp inside around 80-83 degrees, which is fine. Feels good to walk inside and the temp is 20 degrees cooler. I found that during the night the temp drops so much outside in the desert that I was actually cold in the mornings when rising. But all that is fixed now.

I also finished another petal for the Petals Vest pattern.

The petals are attached at the center points. I am using stash cotton yarn and that is the last of that skein. But now I have a dilemma. Those two petals are one side of the vest. One is on the front while the other is in the back. Two additional petals will join those two to finish the back and the other front. The way I have them now means that the color scheme will be skewed. So I have decided to make these two petals the back and knit the other two in a color that matches for the other side of the front. Criminey! It would be so much better if I figured things like this ahead of time, especially before doing all the knitting. But then again, how else does one learn? And since I've never made this pattern before, how could I know? Well...I could have studied the pattern a little more closely. A lesson to pay attention to, for sure!

June 6, 2013

I began the third petal and I like the color real well. It blends with the other two nicely. I won't include a photo of it until I am finished with it.

I went to the Guild today and started combining the pieces needed to form the blocks for the Stacks quilt. Lots more to do with it. I will include a photo of that when that task is done.

After quilting, I drove to Hilda's because she called me yesterday informing me that Vickie's quilt had been quilted. She said it was gorgeous so I couldn't wait to go and get it. It is pretty as the photos show. All I need to do now is hem the binding in place and mail it to Vickie.

The finished quilting done. Hilda is holding the quilt so I can take a photo. The outer red/white border is the binding that still needs to be hand-sewn in place.

Hilda explaining to me how to trim the binding when I  hem to allow for enough batting to puff it appropriately. The binding is to be flush, not flat.

Hilda admiring my work. She was so complimentary. She does such lovely work herself, as a quilter, that I really appreciate her encouragement to me. 

Hilda recommended red thread for the quilting. I agreed. Notice how pretty the red thread looks on the purple. The blending is wonderful, I think.

The quilting pattern, which shows up real nice on the back. Such a good balance matching the swirls in the fabric on the front.

Well, since I set aside Thursday and Friday for quilting, I think I will set up my work space and continue where I finished at the Guild. I won't start hemming Vickie's quilt until tomorrow when I go over to the craft room where I can move tables together and spread the quilt over them. This is much easier for me to handle than trying to hem with the quilt bunched in my lap at home. Until later.....

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