Sunday, February 12, 2012

Capturing Thoughts Again

I am amazed at how this designing is happening. I didn't think I could do it, but here I am doing it. It started with one idea and now I can hardly keep up with all the designs that keep flowing through my mind. I capture most of them on paper, which may become something later, or not. Not the point though. Just fascinating to me right now to know that I have so many designs inside me. Just smiling as they are "popping out" when I don't even expect it.

This contest I am entering is another surprise to me for designing. I started working with one idea of cables on one side of the piece and ribbing on the other. I played with some pink cotton yarn that was in my stash but then set the swatch aside. When thinking about what to enter into the contest that was original to me, I picked up my swatch again and evaluated it. As I studied the pattern, I noticed that all the cables formed a pattern. I wondered what would happen if I alternated a rib pattern between the cable patterns. How would that change the look of the piece on the other side? Would the cables and ribs alternate there as well? I swatched a sample and discovered that the pattern did transfer to the other side but that the cables were all identical. The original swatch had each row of cables alternating from the starting point of each cable, something I just happened to do when I was playing with it.  Like this...

I     I     I     I     I     I     I
  I     I     I     I     I     I
I     I     I     I     I     I     I
  I     I     I     I     I     I

But now, the alternating cable pattern had shifted to the other side, which caused all the cables on the same side to start at the same point.  Like this...

I     I     I     I     I     I     I
I     I     I     I     I     I     I

I haven't done this yet, but I expect that if I were to shift the patterns for each side I could once again have the cables alternate but on the same side. Greek to you right now, I know; but should I try that I will share photos explaining. For right now, I am only capturing my thoughts about it.

Now imagine what might happen if I were to really change the shape of the cables. Right now the cables are the same size just alternating in the position in the row.

But look what happens if I change the size of the cable itself. There are three I's stacked on top of each other representing a long cable with a short cable between each long one. 

I          I          I          I
I     I    I    I     I    I    I
I          I          I          I
I          I          I          I
I     I    I    I     I    I    I
I          I          I          I

See how the pattern changes? And I am doing the basic stitch design. The cables are still alternating from row to row but now the length of each cable is different. And I could even change the shapes and alternations from row to row.

I          I          I          I
I     I    I    I     I    I    I
I          I          I          I
I          I         I
I     I    I     I    I    I     I
I          I          I
I          I          I          I
I     I    I    I     I    I    I
I          I          I          I

Now that is another neat pattern, still using my basic design stitch. Can you see how I can just go on and on and on.....If I transfer this basic stitch pattern into various designs then I might could write a book using only this one basic design. Amazing, isn't it?

Well, I guess I better stop for now. I need to get back to knitting the Cowl so it is finished in time to submit to the contest. Catch you again later.


  1. I have all the faith in the world that whatever you design will be beautiful, and I will be rooting for you to win that you

    1. Thanks Rita. I really appreciate your support. I am very excited to be doing this. I am a little scared-nervous, too because I don't know what to expect from this endeavor. But that can be fun, also. I am looking forward to what comes next; so I press forward. Love you, Sis!
