Saturday, February 4, 2012

Changing My Mind

I went to the Phoenix PGA Golf Open yesterday and had so much fun with KaTie. We followed one group of three men - Flores, Noh, and Blixt. I don't follow golf and don't know much about it. But it was fun to be on the course and walk around the greens. It was interesting to see all the different people in the crowds. But both KaTie and I were quite glad when we finally left, because we WERE tired. We shared lunch at the Wildflower Bread Company. I enjoyed a wonderful bowl of Vegetarian Sweet Potato Bisque with 1/2 an Almond Tuna Sandwich while KaTie ate a Cob Salad. We did a little shopping at Kohl's and then came home totally satiated.

But the day wasn't over, so I sat down to work on my projects. I had decided to start a new Gift project. This one required crocheting, so I got out the yarn and all my supplies. I designed a pattern and started crocheting. I only got pass the first 1/4 of the design when I realized that I would not have enough yarn to complete the project. Silly me. I just didn't pay attention to that detail, one I really would have recognized as a problem if I had paid more attention. I also discovered that I didn't like the yarn for this project either. So now what to do? I decided to set this project aside and give it some more thought. I really prefer to use yarn I already have in my stash rather than go and purchase new yarn. This project, if I want to make it, will require purchasing new yarn to have enough. Right now I don't want to do that. So I unwound all the work I had completed and went to bed.

Now this morning I perused my patterns and decided to start another project that will use yarn I have in my stash quite well. I am improvising the pattern a little, but basically will make it just as printed. I will probably use this as a gift, but I like the pattern and the yarn, so it may end up in my wardrobe. Won't know until I finish it and try it on. Either way, it will be useful.

I am also changing my mind about this blog. I want it to be a journal of my experiences in becoming a designer, assuming that happens this year. But I also want to be me and share what is really happening with me. So I am including lots more about me rather than just knitting or crocheting. So you will probably become more familiar with those I love most. Emma-Leigh, my granddaughter, is my inspiration. She read my blog and really appreciated the more intimate nature of it rather than just details and information. So I am going to follow my heart and include more of me in my blog.

Steve is gone today, which leaves me free to work on my projects for the whole day. I will probably start this new project and then pick up the Shell later. I am excited about both right now and looking forward to seeing how this new project responds to my choice of yarn. It is an old pattern from Plymouth Yarn and the recommended yarn can no longer be purchased from them. So it will be interesting to see if my choice of yarn, a close match, will work. I had given this yarn to KaTie the other day because she wanted to make a vest like one I had already finished. She didn't have any yarn and this was the only one I had with the amount needed. When she tried using it, she didn't like it and returned it to me. As soon as I saw the pattern I am using, I knew the returned yarn would be perfect for it. I love the creative nature of my art. At first glance you think you only have a skein of yarn in your hands, but that yarn can become anything that can be imagined. KaTie could have used it for one thing and that yarn would have been transformed into a vest. But I looked at the same yarn and saw a wrap instead. This ability to see something from a "nothing" allows us to share in God's creative nature. Thank you, Lord. I love it.

BTW - I did write down all the directions for the pattern I created yesterday. It is still available for me to use for another future project. I am still searching for just the right yarn to use for it. So stay tuned....It is sure to become a project later.

Hey, I just found out that there are a lot of free patterns on Lion Brand Yarns web page. Here is the link: You can print them or download them as pdf files.

I was also reading a magazine "Military Spouse" and found an article about knitting. I was pleased to read this one page article written by Janine Boldrin, an army spouse who knits. She wrote, "Over the past decade, knitting has become popular among Hollywood stars, including Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz." She also shared, "Research by the Craft Yarn Council of america (CYCA) shows a 150 percent increase in the number of women ages 25-34 who were knitting and crocheting between 2002 and 2004. The Internet has become a hotspot for sharing patterns and getting new project ideas." I do know that because I use the Internet for posting my projects and for this blog. I also find lots of free patterns and numerous ideas for other designs. So knitting and crocheting isn't just for the grammas. It is a very useful craft and art. Janine also commented, "According to research by the Benson-Henry Institute, knitting is one of several meditative techniques that can create a "relaxation response". The institute's extensive studies show that repetitive movement, such as those associated with knitting, can be useful in countering the harmful effects of stress." So there you have it. Another good reason to pick up the knitting needles or crochet hooks. You can release your tensions while making something for yourself or another.

I made great progress on the new Gift project. I have it started and at a place in the directions where I can put it down, pick it up later, and not be confused about where I am with it. I posted the project on Ravelry and will keep it updated as I progress.

Right now I am knitting the Shell again. I want to see how much progress I can make before Steve comes home this evening or before I go to bed - one of the two.

I have completed 16 rows, which makes the Shell 6 1/2 inches long now. That leaves 8 1/2 inches to knit. I leave that for another time. Steve isn't home yet, but I am ready for bed, so we know which of the two options I am choosing. Goodnight and sweet dreams.

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