Monday, February 13, 2012

Knitting Mishap

There I was. Knitting frantically on the Cowl to make sure I finished it on time in order to submit it by the postmark date of March 1st, when to my horror just at the time I tugged on the yarn to move it further down the cable to the other side, the wooden portion of my circular needle disengaged itself from the cable portion. A circular needle is two short knitting needles attached to the two ends of a long pliable cable allowing for a long knitting surface. One of the two needles separated from the cable to which it had previously been attached  while the stitches were still on both. The horror part of this sad tale is that the stitches that were on the needle and cable suddenly were not any longer. Any knitter at any level of skill will tell you that this is not a "happy situation". I didn't count the stitches because of the numb scrambling I was doing, but I would guess that about 2-dozen fell off the needle. Not only that, there were several more stitches at the ends of each needle/cable disjointed sides threatening to join the loose stitches if I even moved a  muscle to prevent their intentions. Now this is really bad if the stitches begin to unravel and undo the completed pattern so hard-earned previously. But I was VERY careful not to panic and pull the yarn (believe me - I was deliberate about that), which would have made the scenario worse and me even sadder. What I did do was slowly (so slow you couldn't see me move unless you replayed the video frame by frame) place the piece down beside me and rummaged in my knitting tool bag removing a stitch holder. I painstakingly placed each loose stitch onto the stitch holder and was blessed to catch all stitches safely without further mishap. Then I got out my super-glue and proceeded to repair the damage to the needle. This didn't take long and before much time had lapsed, the stitches were back on the needle/cable; and I was once again knitting frantically on the Cowl to make sure I finished it on time in order to submit it by the postmark date of March 1st. Just another day in the life of a knitter. These things do happen.

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