Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Moving Right Along

I finished the ribbing for the back today. I set myself a goal to finish the last 10 rows before my friend Ewa came to go walking with  me. We set aside Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for walking each week. We set a pretty good pace together and walk at least 2 miles each time. Lately we have been carrying old dry bread with us and feeding it to the ducks, birds, and geese that inhabit the five lakes behind me. I had finished my Bible study earlier and sat down to knit until it would be time to meet with Ewa. Hooray...I finished before she arrived. Now I am knitting the stockinette rows until the piece measures fifteen inches. Then I begin shaping the armholes. That fifteen inches will be complete at row 101. So the 20 rows of ribbing, plus row 21 - the increase row, leaves me only 80 more rows to the shaping. Should go pretty fast. Steve is resting right now before dinner, so I will see how many rows I can complete before we eat. Then I will set this project aside and make more progress on the hot water bottle cover.

Managed to get 4 1/2 inches complete.

Almost finished with the hot water bottle cover. Have five rows left to knit and then the drawstring to finish it. I am very tired of knitting right now. So I am off to bed and to watch a movie with my honey. Tomorrow I hope to meet with The Needlers and I will knit the Cardigan during our two our social/knitting time.

Happy knitting to you and to all a good knit.
Goodnight from the wishful knitter.

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