Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 2, 2012

Today is my granddaughter's birthday. She is 17 today. Happy birthday McKenzie!

This month I will be VERY BUSY with knitting projects. I am currently taking and/or signed up for several classes. I will go to the second class this morning to continue working on a Fair Isle Pullover Sweater. It is pretty intense with all the color and pattern changes in the design. But I want to learn how to make a steek. So thus, the class. I learned how to carry over the different colors by holding the main color in my right hand and the secondary color in the left. It becomes necessary to over/under lap the yarn not being used for the stitch.The idea is to make sure the unused yarn is caught by the used yarn so that it doesn't show in the front of the work. Now the yarn switches back and forth without having to swap the skeins each time the color changes. This is much quicker but my hands are slow right now because the technique is new.

The beginning of the Fair Isle Pullover Sweater

I am also knitting some mittens. I am not sure who they are for at this time. I bought the kit from Knit Picks last year and just didn't take the time to knit the project until now. I am doing this every Wednesday with my knitting group, The Needlers.

I have made some progress with the tank top that I am designing. Here is what I have done thus far.

This is the swatch and the chart diagram.
The beginning of the tank top.
Starting Thursday I will take a class that will teach me how to make knitted unmentionables (aka underwear). I have chosen some cashmere silk yarn for this project. Hope I have enough. I only have
500 yds.

Then on Friday I am taking a class to learn how to tat using a tatting needle. I own tatting shuttles but this class indicated that using a needle is quicker and easier that tatting with a shuttle. So I am going to find out if this is true. Actually I don't know how to tat with the shuttles but I will take those classes later in November and December. Then I can decide for myself which I prefer.

Later this month I will take another class learning to make hairpin lace. I have always been fascinated by lace patterns and this is just another type. This is just another way to crochet, I think. Anyway, I am going to learn the technique and I'm looking forward to it.

And last but not least, I am going to take a class to learn how to do Continental Knitting. I never learned how and have been told that it will speed up my knitting, while reducing the stress on my wrists, shoulders, and elbows. It will also allow me to complete color work more efficiently. I hope I don't struggle too much with unlearning how I hold my yarn and knit now. I don't want to be the "old dog" that can't be taught "new tricks".

Well, that's it for now. Gotta get to my knitting. Going to have much to complete by deadlines for these classes.

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