Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5, 2012

Took my class this afternoon and learned how to use a hairpin lace frame and knitted some lacework. It was quite simple really but if I had not had the instructor show me how, I don't think I could have figured it out for myself. This is an old lace technique. I'm glad to have learned it. I had no idea what to make with the panels I finished, but I found a pattern for a shawl that I think I will tackle. Just another project, huh? Why not? Anyway, here are some photos to show my progress.

Notice the frame on the left. The yarn is wrapped around it in a specific way and crocheted in the middle to hold everything together. This also provides the hairpin lace design. The panel on the right is one finished panel of thirty (30) loops.

Close up view of the two panels that have been joined together by weaving the loops down the side of each.

Two panels joined to make one piece.
Now this will be short, because I have lots to knit and crochet. Catch you later.

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