Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Next Two Projects Begin

I've been pretty busy this past week. I've started a new design and also started a project for my grand-daughter Jenny who is planning to marry in December. So I've been flipping back and forth between the two.

The new design is called Cable Me One Side - Rib Me The Other "Lace Scarf". I am doing something different with my cabled ribbing design. I am adding yarn overs to create a lace scarf. I started using a size 11 needle and a worsted weight yarn, but the pattern was too loose, the cable design was lost, and the lace wasn't quite what I was envisioning.

So I re-worked my design and choose a DK weight yarn using a size 6 needle. I am more pleased with the results now. I don't have enough yarn in one color to complete the sample piece, so I am using two colors, which will give me a better idea how to finish the design.


I'm considering edging the scarf with reverse sc but not sure if that will be the final design. I wanted a scarf that is more like a choker, shorter around the neck. But I also computed the charting and written instructions for making a narrow, long scarf, too. The sample I'm currently knitting is 8 1/2" wide. The longer, narrow scarf will be only 4 1/2" wide. Both are reversible. The wider scarf will have three cable patterns on each side. The narrow scarf will only have two cable patterns on one side with one cable pattern on the opposite side.

So far I do like the design as it is. But as I was seeing this pattern in my mind, I thought I might like to have ribbon woven through the yarn overs to highlight the cables. I also thought that beads would look nice at each cable juncture. But as I'm knitting and watching the pattern unfold, I'm pretty sure I won't be using any beads. Way too much - too many cables. I've also considered that I might use crocheted chains instead of ribbon for the weaving since ribbon won't necessarily lie flat. But again as I watch the pattern unfold, I rather like the open lace look. I'll see....

Now on to Jenny's project. I have finished it and I'm really pleased with the results. I will be sending it to her so she can open it at the Bridal Shower from my side of the family. It is my desire that she use it as a new heirloom to be passed down to her children.

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