Friday, January 20, 2012

Design Number Two - Quite By Accident

Good afternoon.

Guess what happened yesterday?  I was knitting the hot-water bottle cover and hating the yarn I was using. So I pulled out all the stitches (I was half finished with this project.) and threw the yarn away. Yep, discarded what I was using and the other two full skeins of the same stuff. I simply hated the "hand" of it and so made the executive decision to make a change. This is unusual for me, because for some reason I think I am supposed to use what I have and not waste anything. But I realized I really hated the yarn and it was not fun to work on that project.

After discarding the distasteful yarn, I went to my stash and did an inventory of what I might use. I selected some washable wool, of which I happened to have four different colors - jewel tones of blue, green, purple, and pink. I love the "hand" of this wool and it is a pleasure to use. These yarns reflect my preference for bright, clear, and brilliant colors. Then I realized another thing that was bothering me about the pattern I was using. It required that I knit a "tube" and finish the bottom seam as the last step. I didn't like the rolling of the edge, which occurs with stockinette stitch. So, I put the pattern instructions away and began making the cover the way I wanted it to look. I used a Turkish cast on, which involves using two circular needles to form the tube; but like knitting a pair of socks from the toe-up, I have no opening. Now the cover has NO seams whatsoever to finish at the end of the project. Hooray! I really like that. I am knitting the colors in a random (but a planned random by me) pattern, writing down each step. So as I finish this project, I will have designed another pattern.

The bottom without a seam.

My color choices and random placement.
I also met with a designer who is originally from Japan and we discussed various aspects of designing. I am definitely in the beginning stages; but doing what is required. So I was encouraged by her. Thank you Yumiko Alexander (with DanDoh Designs). Yumiko knits and crochets as I do. I hope to learn much from her, but mostly just be friends. I bought one of her designs, which I look forward to crocheting - Flower Garden. Here is a link to her blog if you are interested.

I also signed up for a class scheduled for the 25th that I am real excited about. Cat Bordhi will be teaching the class "Engineering New Stitch Patterns". Cat Bordhi has lots of teaching YouTube videos and has written at least one book I have seen. She doesn't live here and will be coming to teach for only three days. I feel very fortunate to be able to attend one of her classes and learn designing techniques from her. Here is her link.  I am so looking forward to meeting her and actually exchanging ideas.

I did finish the right front of the white cotton sweater I am knitting for myself. Now I start on the left front, but probably not today. Steve has the car and I won't be attending my knitting group session, which is when I set aside time to work on it. So it will lay dormant until next week, anxiously awaiting my return to it.

Okay, here is the latest installment of today's progress on the Shell. I finished the armhole shaping and have started with the neck shaping. I just finished the binding off at the center front. Here are the pattern directions.

Starting with Row 125, continue in pattern stitches until piece measures 20 inches. [Row 145] End with a wrong side row completed. I chose row 4 of the lace panel stitches to end the front before shaping neck.

Starting with Row 146, knit 34, attach another ball of yarn, bind off 12 stitches, complete row. Work both sides at once. Bind off 2 stitches at each neck edge 3 times. Decrease 1 stitch at each neck edge, every other row 7 times.

I just finished Row 146 and will stop for the evening. Catch you again later. Goodnight.

The Wishful Knitter,

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