Friday, January 13, 2012

Brief Update

Hello and good morning!

It was too late last night to blog so I didn't. But lots of good things to share.

First, I showed my Shell to several of my friends yesterday and the consensus was that the front should have the lace panel insert and the back should not. One gal suggested that the back could have the lace panel but without the bobbles. I am very encouraged by the input given to me. Thus, I have decided to change my pattern to reflect the overall consensus. I can still do this because the front and back are made the same up to the neck shaping and I have not reached that point yet. So, I went back to the earlier blog where I typed the directions and changed the back to the front. I will continue the pattern once I have completed what is written thus far.

Also, four of my knitting buddies drove an hour and a half to come visit me. We had a wonderful time sharing lunch and discussing what's happening in our lives. I was especially impressed by one friend's devotion in that she just lost her father on Tuesday and still made this visit with me a priority. My heart is blessed and touched and feels her pain. I love you, Katherine.

During lunch I was given much support for my knitting endeavor, ie. becoming a designer. I am told there are lots of links on Ravelry that will be wonderful resources for me. So I am going to invest some time to checking these carefully. Thank you, Ollie for sending those links to me. I am looking forward to searching out each one.

We also discussed the subject of the possible move to Alaska and I was given lots of different perspectives/options to consider. I love my friends and the support they provide me with their love and encouragement. Thank you Kathy, Katherine, and Ollie!!!!!

My sister, Rita, has guessed what the mystery gift project is - a hot water bottle cover. Neat idea, huh? A hot water bottle can't be used by itself, it needs a towel or something to cover it to protect the skin while in use. So, knitting a permanent cover is a super idea. And that is what I am doing. John, the maintenance guy here at the apartments, is having a "first" baby and that will be my gift to him for his baby.

Today I am off to another knitting shop to spend the morning knitting with another group of knitters. One can never have too many knitting friends in her/his life. I learn so much from each of the groups I meet with. I love my friends. Knitters reflect our craft. There is the encouragement to start, continue, or finish a project. There is the patience to learn a new technique or to just stick to it while the rows seem to shrink rather than increase. There is the persistence as mistakes are undone and UFOs (unfinished objects) are picked up again and continued, hopefully to the end. There is the praise that is given when the finished project is displayed for review before giving it as a gift or when worn as a personal garment/accessory. There is the laughter and understanding as we discuss the never-ending stash of yarn we all own. There is the support as we buy yet another pattern and another skein of yarn. We love the fiber arts and we are not ashamed to be addicted to it. The best part of our addiction is that there is always someone who benefits from the time and effort we spend in our craft.

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