Sunday, January 8, 2012

Well here I go...beginning a new adventure.

I decided that I would set 2012 aside as the year that I would begin designing patterns for knitting. I have been knitting for several years but usually only knitting from patterns that I liked or others wanted me to make for them. But I have been storing ideas in my head for some time now and just recently started jotting them down on paper. I have no expectations whatsoever about this adventure. I am just going to start and see what happens and then eventually how it ends. I hope I can design and complete at least one project a month. I will see....

I began designing a web page in my mind and started gathering info for it; but then decided that I would start with a blog and just journal this adventure. I hope to share what I am learning as I discover the designer in me. If there is no designer here, then I will just enjoy what I do learn about knitting.

I am such a novice with blogging. I started with this page and before I knew it I was profiling all kinds of information about myself. When I completed all the prompts and hit the saved button, I discovered that I wasn't blogging. I wasn't even on a blog page. Somehow I was entering my profile for a Google account. Now how did that happen? I don't remember going to Google except to search for a blogging site that would help me set up my own blog. Go figure! It took a while after a careful search of the history to find my way back to this site. I am still not sure that I am blogging. Will I still be on my own site after I hit "publish post"?

I actually have started my own first design. I wanted to begin right away in January, so the project is underway. I gave much thought to where to begin. I have such exotic designs in my head but fear starting with anything too complex at the beginning. So I have selected a simple shell pattern that has a detailed ribbing pattern not often seen. The body of the shell is a basic stockinette stitch with a lace pattern panel insert in the front and back. So I wanted to offset that with a more complex ribbing. I am not sure how I will finish the neck and armholes yet. Thinking of something with an i-cord tie. But that will wait until I reach the neck.

I am using yarn that I already had in my stash. Someone gave the yarn to me. I don't particularly like the color for myself, but it seemed a good place to start. The yarn is a cotton, rayon, linen blend. I like only natural fibers when I knit or crochet so that is good. I also live in Arizona, so these fibers will wear well during the heat of summer.

Trying to find time to do this new thing - designing - caused me to rearrange my schedule to accommodate all the other knitting I like to do. I have many patterns that I love, like, and then just think I might want to knit/crochet pending in a file cabinet that catches all the papers, notes, and photos. These are the patterns I want to make for myself, or my husband, or to give as gifts. How to find time to knit for myself, for others, and design patterns, too? I thought about what I already do each day and decided to divide my week into sections that would allow me to work on all projects at the same time and finish without the pressure of running out of time before a pattern was completed. Three mornings a week I meet with other lovers of the craft to visit while we work on various projects together. I decided to use that time to work only on projects that I make for myself or Steve, my husband; alternating from me to him as each project is completed and a new one begins. I just started a new sweater for myself using white cotton yarn I was given for winning the door prize at a grand opening of a yarn shop. Every evening after dinner is finished and the kitchen cleaned and readied for the next day, I usually watch a movie to unwind before my evening ends and I go to bed. I chose this time for making all the projects I want to give as gifts throughout the year for birthdays and Christmas. I just finished knitting/crocheting gifts for this past Christmas that were sent to four siblings and their spouses, four children and their spouses, four of the fourteen grandchildren, and two best friends. Even though I started in September, I felt too much pressure for time slipping away too quickly and "almost" didn't enjoy doing this. So, I have started this month with my gift making and already finished six gifts. Each one only required one skein of yarn, which is good because it didn't take forever to make. I am now working on another gift - one that has been on my list to make for some time. Hooray, it is finally started. Now that left only one other project category for me to place into my schedule. So I decided to use four afternoons each week for designing and making my own patterns. That still leaves plenty of time to do all the other things that are necessary in a normal woman's life.You know - laundry, cleaning, cooking, shopping, paperwork, etc. Also I do have a husband, remember, so I have all the tasks that involve him. <grin>

I would like to post photos of my designs but haven't figured out how to do that yet. So that will wait until later. However, I am on Ravelry.( )My account name is dteresasimmons if you want to look me up. I have all my projects from last year posted.

Okay, that is it for now. I hope to share often and keep track of all my progress as I journal.


  1. I'm real proud of your success at creating this new adventure! I look forward to this journey together with you and all your readers to come. I love you, my darling!
    - Steve

  2. Oh are so encouraging. I knew you would be and thank you for that. Since I have already solicited (forced with a smile???) your help, you are already a very important part of this adventure. I dearly love you.
