Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013

I have completed the back for the fabric-strip sweater last night. I worked pretty consistently to see if there was going to be enough fabric strips to make the complete sweater. I rolled the fabric into two balls containing half the fabric in each. I finished the back with one ball and some leftover. Whew! That means I have plenty to complete the front and finish the sweater. Hooray!!!! Here are some photos.

I started with this fabric.

I tore the fabric into 2-inch 6-yards long strips making two balls, each with one half the fabric.

This is the ribbing using a size 11 needle. The sweater is knit in a stockinette  pattern using a size 13 needle.

This the back neck and sleeve. The body is 14-inches long. The sleeve is 9-inches long. The neck is round.
The completed BACK of the fabric-strip sweater.

Steve is taking a high school group to Disney Land today for a competition of some kind. He will be bringing them back to Lake Havasu City tomorrow. I will be leaving for church shortly. It is a beautiful day and I plan to enjoy it. I plan to prepare packages to send to my grandchildren. I've sent them one in January and February. Now it is time for the one for March. I purchased the last of the supplies yesterday for the interactive activities I have planned. <grin> We will be making hot chocolate together-long distance. I will send them the ingredients for making their own hot chocolate from the mix I prepare. Then they will get to use chocolate-coated flavored spoons for stirring and also some chocolate covered marshmallows for stirring. Should be fun. But I have lots to do to get everything ready. And of course I will tuck-in a chocolate covered marshmallow rabbit for Easter celebrating. What Gramma wouldn't?

Needed lollipop sticks, which meant going to JoAnn's, so while I was there I went ahead and bought the yarn I want to use for making the crocheted blocks for the afghan projects I plan to demo and teach for next winter during The Needler's group meetings. I need the summer to prepare the blocks. I already have the crocheted afghan pattern. I ordered the book with the knitted afghan pattern. Still waiting for its arrival.

Color A = Bone
Color B = Wine
Color C = Teal
Color D = Multi

Gotta go. Catch you later.

Finished all the preparations for the hot cocoa mix and the stirrers. Wrote my monthly Gramma Letter and have everything ready to mail. Will wait for Steve to come home first, so he can see and share everything. Then we will mail the packages together.

Gonna sit and knit for a while.


  1. Love the hot chocolate idea. How neat!!

  2. Yes, I agree, I prepared everything and now have it ready for mailing. The chocolate spoons were quite messy to make. The marshmallows did fine. I hope they travel well by mail. Takes a lot of time to label each child's treats separately; I only have 12 of the 14 since Jill doesn't participate. Maybe some day soon.
