Friday, March 29, 2013

March 29, 2013

Woohoo! Except for the hardware (the buttons and the snaps), all four purses are done. I recut the binding and added an extra inch for the other three purses and the handles inserted much, much easier. After that, the rest of the sewing was a breeze.

Emma-Leigh's Purse
Those colors hopefully will match her school colors.
Doesn't that just "pop"?

Jenny's Purse
Jenny's favorite color is purple.
I blended lots of blues and pinks with the purples to give a brighter look.

Vickie's Purse
I wanted bright colors for Vickie.
Success achieved!!!

Rachel's Purse
Her favorite color is pink.
Can't go wrong with these selected fabrics.

I will take the purses with me tomorrow and match the buttons. Once sewn on, then off to the post office to make their way to Kentucky to celebrate four birthdays.

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